How to secure a web site using Let’s Encrypt and Apache

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You probably already know Let’s Encrypt. It’s the new kid in town. It offers something that web site’s owners and administrators have been asking for a long time: free SSL certificates. Until now, if you wanted to secure a web site you had to go to the market and buy an SSL certificate from one of the multiple providers, Godaddy, Digicert, Thawte, you-name-it and, of course, you had to pay for it. Now you can have your certificate for free, and it’s really easy to secure your web site using Let’s Encrypt and Apache.

The idea promoted behind such an offer is that, as they say on its blog, encrypting is something all of us should be doing to protect the information transmitted on the internet. Join this idea to the fact that Google will take into account the encrypted connection in the search ranking algorithm -in other words, sites using HTTPS will rank better than sites using HTTP- and you have the perfect excuse to have a look.

Encrypting is something all of us should be doing to protect the information transmitted on internet Click To Tweet

So I went down to the Getting Started documentation – quite good and really to the point – just to play a bit with Let’s Encrypt certificates.

If you have ever deal with one of the providers mentioned above, and you have followed the process to prove that you are who you say that you are, and pay, download and install the certificate, you must agree that the brand new client-based way to generate – and in some cases install – the certificates is a step forward.

Generate the certificate files

In my particular case, I have to generate a certificate on a Ubuntu 14.04 host, and I have to install the certificate on a SLES server. I decided to install the client from Github. So the first step is straightforward.

Login the Ubuntu host and execute:

$ git clone
$ cd certbot
$ ./certbot-auto --help

The command to generate the certificate for a web site, e.g.

$ certbot-auto certonly --manual -d

When you execute this command the script will open a dialog window. If you agree with your IP being logged just keep going.

Let's Encrypt first dialog window

capture 1. Let’s Encrypt first dialog window.

The next dialog message will ask you to probe that you are the owner of – or at least you have access to – the domain you try to generate the certificate for. Basically you have to install a file on a particular folder on the server, or execute a command that is shown on the dialog text. In both cases Let’s Encrypt servers will try to access the files. If everything is fine you will have your files under the folder /etc/letsencrypt/file/<domain>/

Remember that the certificates will expire after 90 days!! It must be renewed by running this process again.

Let's Encrypt asks to prove that you are the owner of the domain

capture 2. Prove you are the owner.

Once verified the script creates the files.

Let's Encrypt creates the files

capture 3. The files are created.

The files that you will find are:

  • cert.pem. This file contains the certificate.
  • chain.pem. This file contains a cross signature from an idenTrust root which is present in most browsers today.
  • fullchain.pem. This file contains the chain.pem + cert.pem. It is used by Nginx or Apache 2.4
  • privkey.pem. As you might guest, this file contains the private key

Install the certificate files

The steps to install the certificate on your Apache web server is quite simple. Let’s say your web site is On the host, create the folders to store the files:

$ mkdir -p /etc/apache2/ssl.crt/
$ chmod 644 /etc/apache2/ssl.crt/
$ mkdir /etc/apache2/ssl.key/
$ chmod 644 /etc/apache2/ssl.key/

Now it is time to copy the files to the host using your preferred command. In my case, I have used a different computer to generate the certificates, so I use the scp command to copy the files to the right place.

$ scp cert.pem root@server:/etc/apache2/ssl.crt/
$ scp chain.pem root@server:/etc/apache2/ssl.crt/
$ scp privkey.pem root@server:/etc/apache2/ssl.key/

Configure your web site to use Let’s Encrypt

To secure your web site you have to configure Apache to take into account your previous work. Would you like to create a virtual host for your web site? Please do it!. Go the folder and copy the template.

$ cd /etc/apache2/vhost.d
$ cp vhost-ssl.template

Now fire up your preferred text editor and edit the file You would need to set the value of some SSL related variables to the files that you have just copied. Look for the variables SSLCertificateFileSSLCertificateKeyFile and SSLCertificateChainFile.

SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl.crt/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl.key/
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/apache2/ssl.crt/

Apache shall now listen to the port 443 for encrypted communications, instead of the standard port 80. Modify the file /etc/apache2/listen.conf to allow port 443:

Listen 443

In case you have multiple virtual hosts, add a line:

NameVirtualHost *443

Do not forget to open the port on your firewall; either open the port 443 or just include the service HTTPS on the allowed services.

Now you should restart apache

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Your web site should be up and running using the HTTPS protocol. Start your browser and check it on

Troubleshooting guidelines

Do you have problems on your VirtualHost configuration? Please try something like this.

Directory "/srv/www/vhosts/"
  Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
  AllowOverride None
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

If you have a warning symbol on the browser indicating some malfunctioning on the certificates it could be the case that your site is serving some files using HTTP and some files using HTTPS. In this case fire up Chrome and open More tools -> Developers tools. The right column indicates the lines that you have to update to have the full site being served using HTTPS.

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